Welsh Government to make statement on its refreshed Bovine TB Eradication Programme

Darllenwch y dudalen yma yn Gymraeg | View this page in Welsh

What is Bovine TB and what is the disease picture in Wales?

Bovine TB (bovine tuberculosis) is an infectious and chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) and usually affects the lungs and lymph nodes of cattle. The Welsh Government’s TB Dashboard shows that in Quarter 1 2017, 95% of cattle herds were TB free, compared with 94.6% in the previous year. It also states that the lowest Bovine TB levels were found in north west Wales and the highest in south west Wales. The latest Defra figures for Wales show that in the 12 months to end June 2017, 1,364 herds were not officially TB free and the total number of cattle slaughtered was 9,693. Furthermore, on 30 June 2017, 798 herds were under movement restrictions.

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Brexit, agriculture and rural life in Wales: Assembly Committee publishes report

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg | View this post in Welsh

Following the result of the EU referendum, the Assembly’s Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee launched an inquiry into the Future of Agricultural and Rural Development Policies in Wales.

The Committee gathered a wealth of evidence over the six months of the inquiry hearing from, amongst others, farming unions, academics, environmentalists, foresters, LEADER representatives, the tourism industry and the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs. This included a stakeholder workshop, oral evidence sessions, written evidence and an on-line dialogue.

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