Cymraeg 2050 – Turning ambition into reality (Part 2)

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg | View this post in Welsh

Yesterday’s article provided some context to the Welsh Government’s draft Welsh language strategy, and insight into the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee Report on the Welsh Government’s proposals. It also looked at key aspects of the Welsh Government’s Final Strategy – Cymraeg 2050 (PDF, 2.79MB).

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Cymraeg 2050 – Turning ambition into reality

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg | View this post in Welsh


A little over a year ago on the ‘Maes’ at the National Eisteddfod in Abergavenny, the First Minister and the Minister for Lifelong Learning and Welsh Language launched a consultation on the Welsh Government’s draft new Welsh Language Strategy. The consultation ended on 31st October 2016. The previous strategy, A living language: a language for living 2012-2017 (PDF 800KB) officially came to an end on 31 March 2017.

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White Paper – Proposals for a new Welsh Language Bill (Part 2)

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg | View this post in Welsh

In the first part of this article, we looked at the main proposals in the Welsh Government’s White Paper – Striking the right balance: proposals for a Welsh Language Bill (PDF, 870KB). This part of the article looks at some of the finer details within the consultation document.

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White Paper – Proposals for a new Welsh Language Bill (Part 1)

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg | View this post in Welsh

This article is in two parts, with the first part setting the context and providing an overview of the Welsh Government’s main proposals for a Welsh Language Bill. The second part, to be published this afternoon, will provide more detail on the Government’s proposals.

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Live music protection: Assembly Members to debate petition

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg | View this post in Welsh


On Wednesday 12 July, Assembly Members will debate a petition calling for live music venues to be protected. The petition caught the imagination of live music lovers in Wales and collected over 5,000 signatures.

This is the first time an Assembly petition has been signed by over 5,000 people since the new petitions process was introduced in March. The changes allow the Petitions Committee to request an Assembly debate on any petition collecting over 5,000 signatures.

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Broadcasting in Wales: updates since the Big Picture report

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg | View this post in Welsh

In February 2017, the Assembly’s Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee published its Big Picture report, setting out its initial views on broadcasting in Wales. This was the product of meetings with the BBC, ITV, S4C and the industry regulator – Ofcom – in autumn 2016. This week, on Wednesday 14 June, the Assembly will debate the report in Plenary.

Since the report’s publication there have been significant developments relating to the BBC and Welsh language channel S4C.

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News journalism in Wales: print decline and digital growth

Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg / View this post in Welsh

Print circulations of Welsh newspapers have dropped sharply over the last decade – as they have the world over – leading to job-losses, mergers and newspaper closures. Online traffic to news sites has vastly increased over the same period – though online revenues are far from compensating news organisations for the loss of revenue from newspaper sales. This is an international phenomenon, but given the comparatively weak indigenous Welsh media, the effects could be expected to be felt more sharply in Wales.

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New publication: Community buildings, places of worship and faith groups

View this post in Welsh | Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg

This funding guide outlines and signposts sources of financial assistance available to organisations and groups for the construction, development and maintenance of community buildings and places of worship. This guide also includes sources of financial assistance available for faith groups in Wales.

Community buildings, places of worship and faith groups (PDF, 2,529KB)

National Assembly for Wales Research Service

New publication: Assistance for sport in Wales

View this post in Welsh | Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg

This guide aims to outline and signpost information and sources of financial assistance relating to all aspects of sport in Wales.

Assistance for sport in Wales (PDF, 1495KB)

National Assembly for Wales Research Service.

National Endowment for Music


Darllenwch yr erthygl yma yn Gymraeg | View this post in Welsh

On 14 February 2017, Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education will make a statement in Plenary on the establishment of the National Endowment for Music.

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